Lavishly illustrated, sharp and clever, this 400-page journey through humanity’s most essential inventions is a treasure trove for any curious mind.
The story of humanity is one of constant discovery. Explore the most significant achievements of our culture, paired with imaginative texts and stunning illustrations; a unique exploration of the inventions that have shaped our world.
Uncover the fundamentals of ritual traditions, etiquette, and communication. Learn the art of social connections, dive into fashion philosophy, and perfect your table-setting skills. Explore the practices that have shaped and defined cultures throughout history.
Stay entertained by creating games and activities from scratch. Learn to make kites, design your own card or sports games, or even craft a phenakistoscope for classic animation. Starting civilization anew doesn’t mean leaving fun behind.
A practical guide to staying alive and helping others do the same. Learn everything from mouth-to-mouth and DIY appendix removal (try to avoid before the apocalypse) to foraging mushrooms and making penicillin from scratch.
Learn to make essential resources from your surroundings. Turn sand into glass, use tree fibers for everyday needs, and harness basic elements to craft tools and structures.
Necessity breeds invention. Learn how mills, pumps, and engines handle heavy lifting, freeing human energy for other vital tasks. Discover the basic mechanics that drive tools and machines essential for daily life.
Discover fascinating military techniques through vivid illustrations and detailed charts, from building trebuchets to crafting gunpowder with hay and urine.
Master timeless skills like fire-making, weaving rugs, crafting with clay, building a log cabin, and more. Learn to protect your space from pests and create a cozy, self-sufficient home.
Agriculture shaped civilization. Discover the essentials of grain varieties, animal farming, and the tools needed to cultivate and harvest from the land. Learn how to make the most of your yield, from crafting meals to brewing beer.
Craft the sounds of civilization’s rebirth, from the didgeridoo and the jaw harp, to the sitar and the classic bell. Explore instruments that have shaped cultures and echoed through history.
We've continually refined and expanded The Book, improving both its content and quality. Each update has made it a more valuable and insightful potential addition to your collection
Book cost €119,00Thousands of hours of research, writing, and illustrations went into creating The Book, appreciated by multitudes of curious minds!
We’re obsessed with creating unique entertainment products that challenge the norm, capture the imagination, and transport you to new worlds.
Founded in 2021It’s a beautifully illustrated exploration of the ingenious ideas, tools, and discoveries that make civilization possible
Book cost €119,00