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30 Tage Geld-zurück-Garantie Kostenloser Versand für Deutschland

As you may know, some of our delivery elves hit a bit of traffic on the holiday train tracks. While some book orders are taking the scenic route (we're not happy about this either), we’ve collaborated with talented artist Lance Snider to create an interactive mini-game featuring the Hungry Minds Gift Train. It’s a playful take on the season and tells the story of a gremlin who’s been up to some holiday mischief. In fact, he's caused some coal-lateral damage.

Some of you may find a little Coal Gift Box included with your delivery of The Book: The Ultimate Guide to Rebuilding Civilization; a playful nod to the gremlin’s antics, and a fun freebie from us to you. Keep it as a quirky keepsake, share it with a friend, or gift it lovingly to someone on your personal naughty list.

When you’re done exploring the mini-game, feel free to check out our Christmas Sets and The Coal Gift Box for more seasonal surprises. We know this doesn’t replace the joy of having your package on time, but we hope it brings a smile while you wait and that your book, when it arrives, carries some holdover holiday cheer to keep you feeling warm and fuzzy into the New Year.

As always, we appreciate you all, and wish you a joyful and creative holiday season.


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